The Ruins of My Life

by Sonata Arctica

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:54 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Winterheart's Guild

Song Author

Tony Kakko

File Size

85 KB




The land was then young, I was fi-ghting for it like ev-ery-one re-ady to die for the cause. For my King for my land! You were my rea-son to live, to fight an-oth-er day, you were the on-ly one for me, and you were on-ly for me. A-no-ther year I would be gone. The war was lea-ding us so far a-part. I build a house to keep you there, wai-ting for me wai-ting. No-one re-mem-bers my name nor my face, in a dream I stayed here for-e-e-ver. Head-stone on my grave. Words carved in vain, oh these wounds on-ly heal when I'm home. The taste of their blood in my mouth and the scent of vic-tor-y scars my soul fo-or life. This man was not me!"Love is a game for the weak to play", they said. I loved and love made me man-y times strong-er. A-no-ther year I would be gone. The war was lea-ding us so far a-part. I build a house to keep you there, wai-ting for me wai-ting. No-one re-mem-bers my name nor my face, in a dream I stayed here for-e-e-ver. Head-stone on my grave. Words carved in vain, oh these wounds on-ly heal when I'm home. "Ev-'ry-thing ends. Ev-ery-thing dies. Now I know the le-gend on-ly lives in his lies." Way down that win-ding road. Ri-ver and trees on the hills we lived on. The rui-ns of my life I find, a sig-net ring on the ash-es. I know my lord be-trayed me my rea-son to live was ta-ken a-way. I car-ry my loved one down to the hills we loved for the last time. I close your eyes. Kiss you good-bye. The on-ly one who ev-er loved me. I'm crushed in-side. Dar-ling, my life-IT SHALL END HERE! HEAD-STONE ON MY GRAVE! WORDS CARVED IN VAIN! NOW THE DARK-NESS CO-VE-ERS ME!!! (ME!) (ME!)


*'s Indicate Positions Of: Playing Notes Details Points of Interest -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *1 Tracks 2 and 6: All Measures: This track needs to be transposed to standard tuning in order for the key signatures to apply accurately, I'm afraid. *2 Tracks 1 and 2: Measures 112-115, and Measures 120-123 The "B Naturals" are supposed to be written as Cb's. *3 Tracks 1, 3, and 4: Measures 112-127 This should be totally accurate, or incredibly close to it, because I slowed the song down to 25% of the original speed for the solo section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TheOllieB.Co.Nr